

Exercise Examples

Old Story/New Story

These empowering examples of the Old Story/New Story exercise can both help you understand the exercise better and give you insights into what kinds of thoughts you could be seeing in a different way.

Contribute to the movement! If there are any Old Story/New Story entries that were particularly helpful for you, share them on this page and help others gain the same insights.

Daily Affirmations

What are some of the most powerful things to say to yourself every morning? We have a page is chock-a-block full of empowering, motivating and inspiring affirmation for every area of life. 

Use it for inspiration for your own daily affirmations.

Submit your personal favorites to add to the collection!

Book recommendations

Lost Connections by Johann Hari

While this book is positioned around depression, it also provides incredible insights on what contributes to general happiness.

Hari goes through a checklist-of-sorts on the cultural, personal and societal factors that either move us towards or away from happiness.

The Upward Spiral by Alex Korb

Again advertised as a book about depression, the exercises and suggestions in this book are applicable to anyone.

Neuroscientist Alex Korb has identified several small actions and practices that improve happiness, ranging from relaxation to tips for social interactions.