
Affirmation Examples

Self Love

  • I wholeheartedly believe I am enough
  • I am a bright spark in this world
  • I am genuinely a good person
  • I am kind and compassionate with myself
  • I  am a positive presence in other's lives


  • I am responsible for the way I choose to perceive things
  • I lead with curiosity instead of judgement
  • I am calm, collected and non-reactionary
  • I make decisions based on excitement, not fear
  • I am brave and do the scary thing, because I prefer knowing over 'what if'
  • I choose life over comfort


  • I nurture the activities that make me feel alive
  • I take time to feel into what my body and emotions are trying to tell me
  • I trust my gut and follow my intuition
  • The world is my playground

Health and Fitness

  • I only eat when I'm hungry
  • I work physical activity into my day at any opportunity
  • I workout often, and enjoy working out
  • I eat food that nourishes and revitalizes me


  • I learn fast because I fail often
  • I succeed despite obstacles
  • I am strong and productive, and get thing done!
  • I feel resistance, and move past it anyway


  • I accept people fully, as they are
  • I put the work in to build friendships 
  • I always turn towards my friends when they reach out, even if I am busy
  • I seek to understand rather than judge
  • I have deep friendships and we grow together
  • I take time and effort to show love to those important to me, in the love language they receive it in best
  • I am present and in the moment when I am with someone


  • I revel in the beauty in this world
  • I surrender and trust the universe to take care of me
  • This moment, here, now, is enough, beautiful and joyful
  • I lead with love and compassion
  • I see the light and love in everything

Intimacy & Sexuality

  • It is safe to reveal my whole self in a relationship
  • I deserve to be loved
  • I am sexy, playful and desirable

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